Transportation & Logistics

Driving safety and productivity forward.

On-time shipments Organized logistics. Safe transportation.

We help public safety agencies and transportation companies boost productivity, streamline operations, and enhance safety and security with converged technology that brings together two-way radios, location tracking, voice dispatch, WAVE push-to-talk, and other dispatch and fleet management solutions.

ERS Wireless is a Motorola Solutions Safety Reimagined partner offering the transportation industry:

  • Detect: Video security that views and monitors facilities, access control for on-site security, license plate recognition, and more
  • Analyze: Analytics that protect people and property with appearance search, motion detection, and integrated video security technology
  • Communicate: Wireless communication technology can be connected to public safety agencies with two-way radios, WAVE push-to-talk, alerts, dispatch software, and more
  • Respond: Real-time video and instant communications make it easy to respond to issues on-site and on the go
Customized Video Security and Communications Technology for Transportation

ERS Wireless is a Motorola Solutions Platinum Channel Partner, Motorola Solutions Premier Service Elite Partner, and an Avigilon+ Partner. We are proud to provide trained technicians, 24/7 response, and local service to transportation organizations across the Midwest.